Lidia Inventory

Manages store, warehouse and inventory data. Inventory concept includes SKU's, price and stock.


Lidia Inventory is an API-first solution designed to manage store, warehouse, and inventory data for your digital commerce platform. It keeps stock levels, pricing, and SKU details synchronized, ensuring accurate tracking and smooth order fulfillment. More information on these concepts is provided below.

To learn more about how to register and create your applications, please follow the link.

You can find a sample implementation of the scenario below;

  • You create an inventory structure for your warehouses and stores in the Lidia Commerce Platform Administration Interface.

  • You define SKUs for each product, setting attributes like quantity, price, and location.

  • You use the Lidia Inventory API to track stock levels across multiple warehouses and update the availability in real-time.

  • When customers place orders, the inventory data ensures accurate stock levels, allowing smooth order fulfillment and restocking alerts.


SKUs (Stock Keeping Units)

A SKU represents an individual product variant in your inventory. SKUs are used to manage stock levels, pricing, and availability for each product across multiple locations. Lidia Inventory allows you to create and manage SKUs to ensure accurate tracking of all products in your catalog.

Stock Management

Lidia Inventory provides powerful stock management features, allowing you to track and update stock levels in real-time. You can manage inventory across multiple locations, ensuring that stock is correctly allocated and visible to customers, reducing the chances of overselling.

Price Management

With Lidia Inventory, you can set and update prices for each product variant (SKU) across different sales channels. This flexibility ensures that price changes are reflected in real-time, whether due to promotions, discounts, or regional pricing variations.

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