Catalog Management

This page describes the user management section.


Catalog Management enables merchants to add, edit, and organize product listings in a structured manner. This module allows for the easy creation of new product entries, the management of categories, and product variants like size or color. SEO optimization is also possible for improving product visibility.

Key Features

  • Product Listings: Create or edit product details, including descriptions, images, and prices.

  • Category Management: Organize products into relevant categories.

  • Product Variants: Add variations like size, color, or model to product listings.

How to Use:

Please follow the link to access detailed navigation and user guide.

  1. Product Listings:

    • Navigate to Catalog > Products and click Add New Product.

    • Fill in the required product information, such as name, description, price, and stock.

    • Upload product images and set SEO metadata like title tags and descriptions for improved search visibility.

  2. Category Management:

    • Go to Catalog > Categories.

    • Add new categories or edit existing ones by specifying the category name, parent category (if applicable), and a brief description.

    • Drag and drop products into relevant categories for better organization.

  3. Product Variants:

    • In the product edit screen, go to the Variants section.

    • Add variations like size, color, or other custom attributes.

    • Assign individual SKUs and prices for each variant as needed.

Last updated