Lidia Organization

Manages organizations, branches, contacts for your application.


Lidia Organization is a microservice within the Lidia Commerce Engine that provides a structured framework for managing complex organizational hierarchies, permissions, and user roles across various business functions. It is designed to simplify the management of multi-level organizations, including roles, departments, and business units, ensuring that operations run smoothly within larger and more distributed businesses.

Key Concepts

  1. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Lidia Organization enables businesses to define roles and permissions for users based on their specific responsibilities. For instance, administrators can grant access to different parts of the system (e.g., product management, customer service, or financial data) based on the user’s role, ensuring that employees only access the information relevant to their job functions.

  2. Multi-Tenant Support: This service supports businesses with multiple divisions, subsidiaries, or partner organizations by providing a flexible structure for managing these separate entities within one platform. Each unit can operate with its own configurations, workflows, and permissions, while still being part of the overarching organization.

  3. Hierarchy Management: Lidia Organization allows businesses to create and manage a hierarchy of departments, teams, or business units. This structure ensures clear reporting lines and accountability, while making it easier to organize workflows and operational processes across different organizational layers.

  4. Collaboration Across Entities: The system facilitates collaboration between different teams and departments by defining shared resources, access levels, and inter-department workflows. It supports seamless cooperation across the organization, ensuring that operations remain cohesive even in larger enterprises.

You can find a example of the scenario below here.


Consider a multinational corporation using Lidia that operates in different regions with distinct teams for sales, marketing, and logistics. Using Lidia Organization, they can set up separate organizational structures for each regional division. For example, the European division can have its own marketing team with permissions restricted to marketing operations, while the logistics team has access to order management and shipping workflows. The head office administrators can oversee all divisions and manage permissions globally.

In this setup, Lidia Organization ensures that each team has the right tools and access to perform its tasks efficiently while maintaining overall control at the corporate level. This leads to enhanced operational efficiency, clear accountability, and streamlined collaboration across the enterprise.

Last updated